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Month: October 2012
게임 기획자 지망생에게 하는 입사 조언 시리즈…
=_= 9시간 10분…
아.. 애플 키보드…
몸이 또 온도 조절 못하고 콧물이 슬금 슬금 나오길래…
알러지 약 하나 챙겨 먹었는데…
쥑이네 +_+
머리가 빙빙…
RabbitMQ performance chart
Some Simple Scenarios
This first scenario is the simplest – just one producer and one consumer. So we have a baseline.
Of course we want to produce impressive figures. So we can go a bit faster than that – if we don’t consume anything then we can publish faster.
Of course, consuming is rather important! So for the headline consuming rate, we publish to a large number of consumers in parallel. |
Of course to some extent this quest for large numbers is a bit silly, we’re more interested in relative performance. So let’s revert to one producer and one consumer.
Now let’s try publishing with the mandatory flag set. We drop to about 40% of the non-mandatory rate. The reason for this is that the channel we’re publishing to can’t just asynchronously stream messages at queues any more; it synchronously checks with the queues to make sure they’re still there. (Yes, we could probably make mandatory publishing faster, but it’s not very heavily used.) |
The immediate flag gives us almost exactly the same drop in performance. This isn’t hugely surprising – it has to make the same synchronous check with the queue. |
Scrapping the rarely-used mandatory and immediate flags, let’s try turning on acknowledgements for delivered messages. We still see a performance drop compared to delivering without acknowledgements (the server has to do more bookkeeping after all) but it’s less noticeable. |
Now we turn on publish confirms as well. Performance drops a little more but we’re still at over 60% the speed of neither acks nor confirms. |
Finally, we enable message persistence. The rate becomes much lower, since we’re throwing all those messages at the disk as well. |
RabbitMQ API
RabbitMQ dotNet Client
rabbit mq launchctl
# A startup item has been generated that will aid in
# starting rabbitmq-server with launchd. It is disabled
# by default. Execute the following command to start it,
# and to cause it to launch at startup:
# sudo port load rabbitmq-server
Run RabbitMQ Server
- Start the Server
- Invoke the sbin/rabbitmq-server shell script. This displays a banner message, and reports on progress in the startup sequence, concluding with the message “broker running”, indicating that the RabbitMQ broker has been started successfully.
You can also start the server in “detached” mode with rabbitmq-server -detached, in which case the server process runs in the background.
- Configure the Server
- The configuration file $RABBITMQ_HOME/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf is used to override environment variables. You can customise the RabbitMQ environment by altering this file. Components may be configured, too, in the rabbitmq.config file.
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