impulse control disorders or ICD

Impulse control disorder or ICD is a class of psychiatric disorders characterized by impulsivity – failure to resist a temptation, urge or impulse that may harm oneself or others. Many psychiatric disorders feature impulsivity, including substance-related disordersparaphiliasattention deficit hyperactivity disorderantisocial personality disorderborderline personality disorderconduct disorderschizophrenia and mood disorders. The revised fourth edition of the American Psychiatric Association‘s Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-IV-TR) includes the category, “impulse control disorders not elsewhere classified”, which consists of kleptomania,pathological gamblingpyromania (fire-starting), trichotillomania (a compulsion to pull one’s hair out), intermittent explosive disorder, and “impulse control disorders not otherwise specified”. Other disorders such as, dermatillomania(compulsive skin picking), compulsive buying and compulsive non-paraphilic sexual behaviour have been proposed for inclusion in the category.[1]



a few days ago, i experienced ICD again. what a poor soul…
i couldn’t guarantee but, take control by yourself…